Web Application Security Testing

Consulting for evolved security model, with the latest standards and compliances in place to offer a secured environment.

Web Application Security Testing is vital due to the risk of compromised apps providing attackers access to confidential data. Hence, security testing should be included in all stages of the Software Development Life Cycle.

Testing Methods

Consulting for evolved security model, with the latest standards and compliances in place to offer a secured environment.

Manual and Automated Testing are typically used separately, but their combination provides comprehensive coverage. Both are essential at different granular levels. Automated tools handle various tests and scans, but some vulnerabilities may slip through, necessitating Manual Testing. Threat Modelling, a technique for identifying and countering application threats and vulnerabilities, is becoming crucial for Web Application Security and should be integrated into all software development stages.

Why Should You Choose Panacea?

Consulting for evolved security model, with the latest standards and compliances in place to offer a secured environment.

Panacea InfoSec Security Testing team adopts a three-pronged approach. Within this approach Manual testing, Automated Testing and Threat Modelling, are all included.

  • An Integrated Approach : Automated testing tackles web application risks, while manual testing checks for false positives. We’ll guide your team on integrating Threat Modelling into development and addressing uncovered risks.
  • Best Practices : We adhere to industry best practices, using reliable guidelines like OWASP Top 10 and SANS Top 20 Threats and Top 100 Programming Errors.
  • Customised for You : We recognize each Web Application’s uniqueness and collaborate with your team to meet your specific needs through our Web Application Security Service, suitable for both standalone and distributed applications.

An Integrated Approach

Consulting for evolved security model, with the latest standards and compliances in place to offer a secured environment.

Automated testing allows us to address the threats, vulnerabilities and risks to your web applications. Next, Manual testing allows our experts to check false positives. Additionally, we will guide your team on Threat Modelling. We will demonstrate how to include Threat Modelling in development and how to counter risks it uncovers.

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secure tomorrow

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