Network Penetration Testing

Networks are crucial for modern organizations. Network Penetration Testing, which simulates attacks using software tools, assesses this backbone’s strength. It includes three methods: Black Box, Gray Box, and White Box testing.

Black Box vs Grey Box vs White Box

Black Box testing is done without network knowledge. Gray Box testing uses some network details like ports and IP addresses. White Box testing involves full network transparency, including diagrams and granular details.

Stages of Network Penetration Testing

  • Stage 1: The network is tested during while daily operations take place during the weekdays.
  • Stage 2: Testing is conducted during the weekends when the network load is not at the peak level.

Stage 1 is crucial as it utilizes the latency in the networks to achieve multiple objectives.

  • Evaluate DoS attacks and DDoS attacks on the networks,
  • Test the “Availability” of the networks for the Organization.
  • Verify the Confidentiality, Integrity, and Availability of network components and assets.

Why Choose Panacea?

Panacea InfoSec offers expert Network Penetration Testing. We use the latest tools to test network integrity, meet security needs without business disruption, and customize services for wired and wireless networks. We provide a vulnerabilities list, exploitation results, and strategic recommendations.

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