Mobile Application Security Testing

Mobile Application Security Testing is vital due to the extensive personal and corporate use of mobile devices, facilitated by BYOD policies, and their role as data hubs. Modern mobile apps, matching enterprise products, need access to user data and device sensors, leading to potential vulnerabilities and threats.

Mobile Device Vulnerabilities

  • Weakly Secured Wireless Networks.
  • Malware spread across networks.
  • Unencrypted information stored on devices.
  • Bluetooth technologies as avenues for hackers to launch an attack.
  • Loss of data may affect employee productivity.
  • No authentication requirements.
  • Unsigned Third-party applications.
  • Devices not managed by corporate standardized process

Mobile app security is crucial for businesses using apps to interact with customers. Neglecting security can harm reputation and revenue. Despite the obvious pitfalls, many organizations struggle with implementing the appropriate security measures.

Why Choose Panacea InfoSec?

Our security experts conduct both static and dynamic tests on mobile apps, using manual and automated methods. We use tools like Veracode, QARK, and OWASP ZAP.

  • Features covered under Mobile Applications Security:
  • Encryption during transit and storage.
  • Network authentication, authorization, and accounting.
  • Anti-Virus software.
  • Storage management.
  • Battery Management.
  • Device Registration.
  • Mobile Device Management solutions.
  • Remote wipe and lock.
  • Secure remote support.
  • Small applications.
  • Device Registration.
  • Mobile Device Management solutions.
  • Signed applications.
  • Using licensing concept in the applications.
  • Awareness Training.

Our Mobile Application Security Service ensures complete security coverage for your mobile applications, thereby ensuring continuous growth for your business.

Features covered under Mobile Applications Security:

  • Encryption during transit and storage.
  • Network authentication, authorization, and accounting.
  • Anti-Virus software.
  • Storage management.
  • Battery Management.
  • Device Registration.
  • Mobile Device Management solutions.
  • Remote wipe and lock.
  • Secure remote support.
  • Small applications.
  • Signed applications.
  • Using licensing concept in the applications.
  • Awareness Training.

Our Mobile Application Security Service ensures complete security coverage for your mobile applications, thereby ensuring continuous growth for your business.

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