PCI SAQ Compliance

PCI DSS is required for businesses handling credit card data. Its Self-Assessment Questionnaires (SAQs) help evaluate compliance and cardholder data security.

Why Should You Take the Self-Assessment Questionnaire?

The PCI SAQ, required for different payment card transaction levels, must be completed annually for PCI DSS compliance. To start, identify your merchant or service provider category using the PCI DSS V3.2 Standard. Then, choose the suitable SAQ and AOC.

What makes up a SAQ?

Each PCI DSS SAQ consists of the following components:

  • For different environments, respond to PCI DSS requirement queries with Yes or No. Any No response indicates non-compliance. Address the risks identified by the questionnaire and retake the SAQ.
  • Attestation of Compliance (AOC): The Attestation signifies your eligibility to perform the SAQ and displays the results of the completed SAQ.

Different versions of the PCI DSS SAQs are designed to meet various scenarios. Consequently, this ensures you can meet PCI DSS standards as applicable to your environments.

How can Panacea help?

Our SAQ experts will help select the right questionnaire for your organization, clarify each question’s requirements, ensuring uninterrupted business and compliance.

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